The mechanical team has decided to change the springs to constant force springs. Force sensors will be added. Adjustments will be made accounting for the wear on the contact shoe (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Arm mechanism |
The electrical tabletop setup (Figure 2, 3) current flow issue has been resolved. The current flow issue we had previously was due to the power supply we were using. We switched out the power supply and now the system works.
Figure 2. Tabletop setup |
The tabletop setup (Figure 2, 3) works and now the electrical team needs to work out how to scale up the system using a 36V power supply.
Figure 3. Tabletop setup |
The electrical team will design 3D harnesses (Figure 4) for the assembly via SolidWorks Electrical. This will be accessed through which gives access to ME lab computers. Electrical schematics will show where sensors will go.
Figure 4. Example of 3D electrical harness |
Written By,
Aryamitra Bake