Thursday, February 20, 2020

Meeting with VTA and Continued Development of Shoe Mechanism

Wayside Power Team has continued to increase the work completed each week. In the most recent week the team was able to send Chuong, Ryan, Shane, and Alex to meet with VTA to learn about application and industry standards. The team was able to talk with Sr. Systems Design Engineer Alan Ng and Jr. Transportation Engineer Francisco Alolong, Jr.. Much of the meeting covered industry standards, application, technologies, and how the simple technologies were usually the easiest to maintain.

While some members met with VTA, the other members were able to spend some time working on the shoe mechanism. The team was able to produce a 3D print of the desired shoe clip shape with the recently acquired shoes. 
Unfortunately the shoe clip is not to the exact desired specification, so the team will have to revise the design to better fit some of the unforeseen problems in the current shoe clip design. A lot of design needs to be tested before completion as such the wayside power mechanism has much work before completion.

Written by:
Alex Ng

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